Sciences largest failure the Human Genome Project -"Junk DNA" the Modern Synthesis

The Human Genome Project (HGP) was arguably the most significant scientific failure of United States history. 

It was a 13-year project costing three billion dollars, and it yielded little information. Francis Collins, a theistic evolutionist, headed up the project. 

As an evolutionist, he was committed to modern synthesis. A vital component of this is Francis Crick's "central dogma."  The central dogma only looks at protein-coding DNA because, according to evolutionary theory, these are the proteins for which Darwins natural selection act. 

Less than 2% of the human DNA is made up of these protein-coding genes. The other 98% does not code for protein. 

For this reason, evolutionists labeled this as " junk DNA." Therefore the HGP ignored 98% of the DNA based on evolutionary thinking.

Richard Dawkins popularized this as selfish DNA, which "hung around" for reasons of its own.

He's on record saying that this junk DNA is the most potent argument against creationists. God created trash, hahaha.  It's similar to Darwin's views against vestigial organs.

This was such a colossal failure for Francis Collins, who rewrote part of his first book on God and the DNA. He dropped his reference to junk DNA which he called "refuge." 

Nevertheless, he was rewarded by becoming the director of the NIH. Nice.

The only good thing that came out of it was that 400 labs got together to explore that 98% that Francis Collins, Francis Crick, and Richard Dawkins ignored, according to the modern synthesis.

They called this the ENCODE project.

They were fabulously successful, and they discovered that 80% of this junk DNA was, in fact, functional. 

Well, the evolutionists lost their minds. They attacked these labs in the literature. They would write articles and not even put their names on them but remained anonymous.

 They were being cried babies because they were religiously committed to the modern synthesis, which caused the first colossal failure of the HGP.  A dog returning to its vomit.

Daily in journal articles, new functions of junk DNA are being found. The most recent are noncoding smRNA and lncRNA. So we are moving towards 98%.

Now, who would have thought of that?



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