10 ways the EES explains evolution better than Darwin

Here are 10 ways the extended evolutionary synthesis (EES) explains evolution better than the modern synthesis (MS)(aka Neo Darwinism):

  1. The EES recognizes the importance of developmental processes in evolution. The MS largely focused on genes as the primary unit of selection, but the EES recognizes that developmental processes play a critical role in shaping the variation that is available to natural selection.

  2. The EES emphasizes the role of non-genetic inheritance in evolution. The MS assumed that all heritable variation was genetic, but the EES recognizes that non-genetic factors, such as epigenetics and culture, can also be inherited.

  3. The EES takes a more holistic view of evolution. The MS tended to focus on individual genes or traits, but the EES takes a more holistic view of evolution, considering the interactions between genes, development, and the environment.

  4. The EES is more dynamic than the MS. The MS tended to view evolution as a gradual process, but the EES recognizes that evolution can be rapid and punctuated.

  5. The EES is more inclusive than the MS. The MS focused on adaptation, but the EES recognizes that evolution can also lead to non-adaptive changes, such as genetic drift and mutational meltdown.

  6. The EES is more predictive than the MS. The MS made some predictions about evolution, but the EES has made more specific and testable predictions.

  7. The EES is more applicable to real-world problems. The MS was developed primarily to explain evolution in natural populations, but the EES can also be applied to evolution in human populations and artificial systems.

  8. The EES is more interdisciplinary than the MS. The MS was largely developed by biologists, but the EES draws on insights from other disciplines, such as ecology, genetics, and developmental biology.

  9. The EES is more open to new ideas than the MS. The MS was initially very successful, and there was little incentive to change it, but the EES is more open to new ideas and evidence.

  10. The EES is more likely to lead to new discoveries. The MS is unlikely to lead to many new discoveries. The EES, on the other hand, is more likely to lead to new discoveries because it is more open to new ideas and evidence.

These are just a few of the ways that the EES explains evolution better than the MS. The EES is a more comprehensive and dynamic framework for understanding evolution, and it is likely to lead to new discoveries in the years to come.


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