
Showing posts from August, 2023

Homoplasty & Convergent Evolution guides Morspace evolution outside of NeoDarwinism

Homoplasy and convergent evolution are both phenomena that occur outside of Neo-Darwinism. Homoplasy is the independent evolution of similar features in two or more unrelated species. This happens outside of natural selection. For example, the wings of bats and birds are both homologous structures, but they evolved (non darwinian) independently from each other. Convergent evolution is the evolution of similar features in two or more unrelated species that are adapted to similar environments. This can happen in species that are adapted to similar environments. For example, the flippers of whales and dolphins are both convergent structures, as they evolved independently from each other to help these animals swim. Both homoplasy and convergent evolution can be explained outside of the NeoDarwinian framework. For example convergent evolution can also be caused by the interaction of species epigenetically with their environment. Outside of Neo-Darwinism, there are a number of ot...

HGT of Human Junk DNA is more prevalent than originally thought

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) acts outside of neo-Darwinism. Neo-Darwinism is the modern synthesis of evolution, which combines Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection with Gregor Mendel's laws of inheritance. HGT is the transfer of genes between organisms that are not closely related, such as between bacteria or between viruses and their hosts. This can happen through a variety of mechanisms, such as conjugation, transformation, and transduction. HGT can have a significant impact on evolution. It can introduce new genes into a population. HGT can also speed up the evolution of a population by allowing genes to spread more quickly between individuals. Neo-Darwinism does not account for HGT, as it assumes that evolution only occurs through mutations and natural selection within a population. However, HGT is now known to be a common occurrence in nature, and it is estimated that up to 50% of genes in some bacterial genomes have been acquired through HGT. As a re...

IDPs act as Maxwells Demon without Neodarwinism

Neo-Darwinian evolution is the theory that evolution occurs by natural selection acting on genetic variation in populations. Maxwell's demon is a hypothetical being that can violate the second law of thermodynamics by opening and closing a door between two chambers of gas, allowing only fast-moving molecules to enter one chamber and only slow-moving molecules to enter the other. Neo-Darwinian structured proteins cannot act like Maxwell's demons because they are not capable of opening and closing doors. They are also not capable of distinguishing between fast-moving and slow-moving molecules. In fact, structured proteins are themselves subject to the second law of thermodynamics. They tend to become disordered over time, unless they are constantly being repaired by enzymes. Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) have been proposed to act like Maxwell's demons. Maxwell's demon is a thought experiment that challenges the second law of thermodynami...

Lamarckian Intrinsically Disoreded Proteins can resist evolution for over a billion years

Lamarckism, the theory that acquired characteristics can be inherited, is considered to be outside of NeoDarwinian evolution, which is based on the theory of natural selection. However, there is now strong evidence that Lamarckian evolution may play a role in evolution. One way is in the function of Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). IDPs are proteins that do not have a fixed three-dimensional structure. Instead, they are flexible and can adopt different conformations depending on their environment. NeoDarwinian theory was developed on structural proteins. Mutations could change them for natural selection to act. Phylogenetic's has identified IDPs with no change in function over a billion years. This in spite of having more mutations. Per NeoDarwinism more mutations should mean more evolution yet IDPs violates this central axiom of evolutionary theory. Due to IDPs flexible shape they absorb NeoDarwinian mutations with no change in function. As this can persist ov...

IDPs challenges NeoDarwinian membrane pumps in cells

The NeoDarwinism membrane (pump) theory is a modern synthesis of Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection and the discovery of membrane pumps in cells. It states that the genetic variation that is essential for evolution is caused by mutations in genes that encode for membrane pumps. These mutations can change the way that the pumps work, which can lead to changes in the cell's environment and ultimately to changes in the organism's phenotype. Mutations in genes that encode for membrane pumps can change the way that the pumps work. For example, a mutation could change the amino acid sequence of the pump, which could alter its structure and function. This could lead to the pump transporting more or less of a particular molecule, or it could even transport a different molecule altogether. IDP, or Intrinsically Disordered Proteins, break the NeoDarwinism membrane (pump) theory by bypassing the need for proteins to be compartmentalized within a ...

Helping Neodarwinists with the Five stages of Denial

The stages of denial as applied to the eclipse of neo-Darwinism are: Shock and disbelief: Neo-Darwinists are initially shocked and refuse to believe that their theory is being eclipsed. They may point to the fact that neo-Darwinism is still the dominant paradigm in biology, and that there is no single unifying theory to replace it. Anger and defensiveness: As the evidence against neo-Darwinism mounts, neo-Darwinists become angry and defensive. They may attack the critics of neo-Darwinism, accuse them of being unscientific, or dismiss their work as irrelevant. Bargaining: Neo-Darwinists may try to bargain with the critics of neo-Darwinism. They may offer to modify the theory to accommodate some of the critics' concerns, but they will not abandon the theory altogether. Depression: As the evidence against neo-Darwinism becomes overwhelming, neo-Darwinists may experience depression. They may feel like their world is crumbling, and they may lose faith in science altogether. ...

Epigenetics of ERV & TE leads to Convergent Evolution without NeoDarwinism

Convergent evolution is the independent evolution of similar features in unrelated lineages.  Neo-Darwinism is a theory of evolution that explains how evolution occurs through natural selection. Natural selection is the process by which organisms with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on their genes to the next generation. Convergent evolution does not fit neatly into the neo-Darwinian framework. This is because neo-Darwinism predicts that similar features should only evolve in closely related lineages. However, convergent evolution shows that similar features can evolve in unrelated lineages, even if they are not closely related. Convergent evolution is a fascinating phenomenon that is also a challenge to neo-Darwinism. Convergent evolution is the process by which unrelated species evolve similar traits due to similar environmental pressures. For example, sharks and dolphins both have streamlined bodies and fins, which help them swim ef...

10 ways Epigenetics replaces NeoDarwinism

Neo Darwinism is the theory of evolution that states that evolution occurs through the gradual accumulation of genetic mutations over time. Epigenetics is a  field of study that helps to explain how environmental factors can influence gene expression and without mutations. Here are 10 ways epigenetic replaces neo darwinism: Epigenetics can change gene expression without changing the DNA sequence as per neo-Darwinism. This means that epigenetic changes can be passed on to future generations, even if the DNA sequence itself does not change. Epigenetic changes can be caused by environmental factors, such as diet, stress, and exposure to toxins. This means that epigenetic changes can be influenced by the environment, not just mutations. Epigenetic changes can be reversible. This means that the effects of epigenetic changes can be undone. Neodarwinisms mutations are one way changes. Epigenetic changes can have a significant impact on health and disease. For example, epigenet...

Another Icon of Evolution falls - the Peppered Moth

The article "The industrial melanism mutation in British peppered moths is a transposable element" by Van't Hof et al. (2016) provides evidence that the mutation that caused industrial melanism in peppered moths was a transposable element. Transposable elements (TEs) are pieces of DNA that can move around the genome. They are often called "jumping genes". TEs can cause mutations by inserting themselves into genes, disrupting their function. TE's are outside of NeoDarwinism as they are noncoding DNA. This means if a mutation occurs to them they will not be selected for. In the case of the peppered moth, the transposable element inserted itself into the gene cortex. This gene is involved in the production of melanin, the pigment that gives moths their color. The insertion of the transposable element caused the moths to produce more melanin, making them darker. This means NeoDarwinism was not the cause of this change. The increase in melanin pigmen...